House Washing in Oakland County – What to expect.

Why should I have Lake State Cleaning soft wash my house?

The condition of your home’s siding can make or break it’s curb appeal.  Green stains caused by algae, cobwebs, dirt and debris can all significantly detract from the beauty of your home.  Lake State Cleaning employs the use a low pressure, soft wash method to safely and effectively clean your home’s siding.  The results are immediate, dramatic and long lasting!

What do I need to do to be ready for my house washing service?

We just need a few simple things from you prior to your service:

  • Please make sure all windows and doors are shut tightly and locked up.  We wouldn’t want to get any water inside your house!
  • Please make sure your pets are inside during the service.  We don’t offer pet bathing, so you’ll have to call someone else for that 🙂
  • We will need access to a functional exterior water source.
  • Your exterior windows will be rinsed with detergent and water as part of our cleaning process. House washing is NOT an adequate substitute for window cleaning.  If you would like to talk about exterior window cleaning service, please give us a call or email and we can put a package together for you.

That’s pretty much it.  So buckle up and prepare to be amazed at how awesome your home looks when we are done!

Wow!  I would love a quote for house washing.  How can I get one?

That’s easy.  Just fill out our quick form below and we’ll get you a quote right away.
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